18.000 € Stipendium Augenarztausbildung in Afrika

Grevenbroich | 14. November 2021
Bericht Dr. Mamwase Shamiim Unsere Stipendiatin - Frau Dr. Shamiim berichtet über den Fortgang ihrer Ausbildung. Inzwischen konnte sie ihre operativen Fähigkeiten ausbauen und operiert bereits selbständig z.B. Katarakte - einer der häufigsten Gründe für Blindheit auch junger Menschen in Afrika.
Fotos aus dem Operationssaal
Picture taken at Mbarara University and Referral Hospital, Eye Centre on 29th of July 2021. The picture shows me operating on Nsubuga Muhammed, a 22year old boy who presented with a corneal perforation and a ruptured lens. I did corneal repair and lens wash out on him. The person who took the photograph was Dr pliers. |

Unsere Stipendiatin - Frau Dr. Shamiim berichtet über den Fortgang ihrer Ausbildung. Inzwischen konnte sie ihre operativen Fähigkeiten ausbauen und operiert bereits selbständig z.B. Katarakte - eine der häufigsten Gründe für Blindheit auch junger Menschen in Afrika. 

Sie berichtet, dass auch ihre Universität und damit ihre Ausbildung von der Corona-Pandemie betroffen ist. Wir wünschen ihre weiterhin viel Erfolg in ihrer Ausbildung und werden sie bis zu ihrem erfolgreichen Abschluss in ca. zwei Jahren weiterhin unterstützen.

Auszug aus dem Report

I screened over 190 patients as they came to the clinic, the number of patients has greatly dropped due to COVID-19 pandemic and total lockdown in the country, I have been doing investigations including measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) using Applanation tonometry and iCare, Gonioscopes, B-Scans , visual field tests ,keratometry and biometry tests as pre-operative assessment for cataract surgery of patients, Florescence dye staining patients for IOP measurement, cornea ulcer care, trabeculectomy follow up, lacrimal drainage diseases, OCT (optical coherence tomography).
The eye conditions that were commonly screened included bacterial conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis more common in children, microbial keratitis, ocular trauma, ocular foreign bodies, congenital disorders, glaucoma, infections, corneal ulcers, hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, ocular surface squamous neoplasm, Dry eye syndrome, Refractive errors and all were treated.
Number of treatments:
I have treated these patients with various eye conditions such as allergic conjunctivitis - topical steroids, topical mast cell stabilizers were used, ocular trauma, prophylactic antibiotics and shielding were administered accordingly and antibiotic eye drops given , congenital disorders - EUA done, glaucoma -topical antiglaucoma drops mostly timolol and latanoprost were given and some we prescribed acetazolamide tablets, infections most put on triple therapy , Diabetic retinopathy Avastin was given, Dry eye syndrome lubricants and steroid drops were prescribed accordingly, Refractive errors glasses were prescribed and dispensed.

In the last reporting we hadn’t yet done pathology and microbiology exams, but we finally did all the tutorials and wrote the exams and I passed them with a B+ and B- respectively.
We wrote end of first semester exams on 20th and 21st June. The exams were initially supposed to have been written on May 10th but were postponed as we residents started contracting Covid 19 one after another. We even lost a resident who happened to be my classmate due to Covid and so even the exams we did were just written exams, we couldn’t do the clinical exams coz of the high rate of infection and even a total lockdown had been announced by the president.
The lockdown was lifted 2days ago and we hope for the patient number to go up.